An invisible battle is being fought around us.If we listen closely, we can hear swords clashing in the war for human souls.


Hello and welcome! If you are visiting me today, I bet you are looking for an attention-grabbing supernatural read. In these books, my readers find what they want: creepy, scary, stuff where the curtain lifts and the supernatural battle between good and evil takes the stage. So, if you are looking for frightful stories in which ordinary individuals must face extraordinary circumstances and the supernatural, look no further.
Holley Gerth wrote, “Be courageous and try to write in a way that scares you a little.” I agree. More importantly, I would add, “Try and write in a way that scares your readers a lot!”
I’ve read hundreds of books, and like you, I’m an avid reader as well as an author. I am most interested in the supernatural and spiritual warfare. So much so that I read until I couldn’t find more books on spiritual warfare. Then, I wrote my own. In doing so, I wrote for someone more important than me—you my reader.
If you have any questions about my books or would like to share an idea you’d like to see in my books, please email me at
Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to meeting and associating with you.