Leo Tolstoy Collection comes from an admirer of one of the truly great authors in history and easily one of the two greats of Russian literature. Carl Douglass’ books–like Tolstoy’s–are historical novels written for people who are intelligent and interested in what really happened, but told in a more engaging way than a dry nonfiction history. His reading of Tolstoy makes him feel as if he were present as a watcher as history unfolds at times, and at others as a friend sharing a great tale with a master. Count Tolstoy loved to tell stories to his grand children and wrote for the Russian people who loved him. Even when the Bolsheviks came into power, they honored the old aristocrat as a Russian and a treasure of Russia despite his aristocratic heritage. His fame, and the love of the man’s work live on, timeless, and unaltered by shifts in politics, religion, popular trends, and the media of expression. Enjoy this great collection. Pass it on to your children and grandchildren as a treasure.
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